All About Extensions

What are extensions best for?

We have service options for fullness, length, and damage-free colour. If you’re not quite sure what you want, book a consultation with us!

Are they re-useable?

All our extensions are re-useable and last approximately 6 months (when properly cared for).

Do I need a consultation?

We recommend a consultation to ensure we book the best service for your needs. You can also ask your stylist about extensions next time to visit Verde!

Which stylists can do extensions?

All of our stylists can do tape-in extensions, with the exception of New Talent. Hand-tied extensions are available with Skylar, Natasha and Rachel.

Will they match my hair?

Our extensions are exclusive to Aveda, with over 50 shades colour-matched to Aveda hair colour. We have your perfect match!

How long do they take to install?

Our extensions services start at just 15 minutes added to your regular salon visit!