National Aveda Pure-fessional Educator

Hi, my name is Natasha, and I’m a stylist at Verde Salon.

What are your favourite services? Why?

My favorite services are any form of colours, especially colour corrections. I really like the challenge of doing those services as well, as it gets me really thinking about what I need to accomplish.

Why is Aveda important to you?

The reason Aveda is important to me is because of their beliefs. From their mission statements on how they take care of their stylists, the continuing education — they really give us the full support we need.

What can your guests expect from you?

What my guests can expect from me is having that one-on-one time, really listening to their needs, and how we can proceed with the service to give them everything they want.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time I really enjoy spending time with my family, and then when I am not with them, I definitely love going to hot yoga and being in that hot yoga studio.

IG: @urban23