How it Works


1. Complimentary Consultation

Your perfect match is selected  Hairskeen Hair System in a Skin, Hybrid or Lace foundation. We place your custom order, and your Hairskeen should arrive within 2 business days.

2. Application

At your service, we create a model of your scalp to precisely match the hair system to your needs. Then, we cleanse and prepare your hair, select the best adhesive for your scalp chemistry, and apply the hair system. 

3. Cut, Style, and Enjoy!

With your new Hairskeen Hair System, we can do a wide variety of classic and trending haircuts. 

4. Easy Maintenance

At your regular haircut appointment, the Hairskeen will be removed, cleansed, and re-applied. It only adds a bit of time to your regular service, and your Hairskeen Hair System lasts up to 10-12 months!